Stepping into my Divine Mission as a Lightworker & Earth Angel

When I was a young child I was always captivated by Light, Love & Angels. I was a sensitive child who loved the Sun, The Moon & The stars. I even used to tell my mom that the Moon followed me wherever I went. I also would tell her that I would be going outside to play in heaven. I loved nature and I loved giving Love out to the world. I could see things and feel things others did not. I had no idea at that time that I was feeling my divine purpose. My divine purpose being to spread Love & Light to the planet and my fellow human beings. Not in a fake way but in a true authentic way.

As a Lightworker and Earth Angel, I am here on this planet with a special mission. My purpose is to help humanity raise their consciousness and bring more light and love into the world. The term “Lightworker” refers to those who have a spiritual calling to bring healing to the world, while “Earth Angel” is a term for those who have incarnated on Earth specifically to spiritually uplift the planet.

But how do you know if you are a Lightworker or Earth Angel? There are many signs that you may be one, such as having a strong desire to help others, experiencing unexplained spiritual experiences, feeling a deep sense of compassion for all living beings, and sensing a strong connection to angels and spirit guides.

As a Lightworker and Earth Angel, I feel drawn to a variety of healing modalities such as energy healing, meditation, or intuitive readings. I also find myself attracted to spiritual communities where I can connect with like-minded individuals and receive support and guidance along my journey. This happened for me in a profound way right after my dad died. I found a group of loving and supportive yogis back in 2015 and I spent every wednesday with them for 6 years. The time I spent doing Kundalini Yoga helped me to step more fully into my calling and divine mission here.

One of the most important aspects of being a Lightworker and Earth Angel is the concept of “service.” It’s not enough to simply recognize your spiritual gifts – it’s important to use them to make a difference in the world. I find myself drawn to volunteering, mentoring, or advocating for causes that align with my values such as creating my services here at Inner Element Wellness.

Ultimately, being a Lightworker and Earth Angel for me is about living in alignment with my higher purpose and sharing my unique spiritual gifts with the world. By doing so, I not only elevate my own consciousness, but also contribute to the awakening of humanity as a whole.

In conclusion, if you feel a deep desire to serve others and bring healing to the world, you may very well be a Lightworker and Earth Angel too! Embrace these spiritual callings and use your unique gifts to create a more loving, peaceful, and harmonious world. I am happy to help you in stepping into your own divine mission and purpose!

